Ya Allah... sedarkan aku di saat aku terlena dibuai cinta dunia... teguhkan kaki ini untuk terus berdiri di bumiMU... kuatkan hati ini untuk terus istiqamah
di jalanMu... jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hambaMu yang sabar dan bersyukur... tenangkan jiwaku... redhai kehidupanku.... Ya Allah...

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Typical student Emotion when it comes to EXAM

Hai all =D heheheh cheers..

New school semester:
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oh yeah! semangGat! hahahahaha

At the first week:
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aihhh lalah ku eh.. bila kn cuti ane..

At the second week:
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relax aja santaiiii 

Before the mid-term test:
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hmh! chill bebeh.. *ambung dan angkuh*

During the mid-term test:
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nyasal ku eh nda blajar banar2.. nanti ku banar2 i eh..

After the mid-term test:
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ter-LALAi hahahahahahhahah

Before the final exam:
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duiii.. nada apa2.. esuk kn exam pun bulih bh revise..~ come on..~

Once know the final exam schedule:
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hah??!! *with lots of cursing* haha TIGHT jua and inda lgi lama neeeeeee *panic*

7 days before final exam:
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esuk th ku revise.. tdur lu,,  *malar ter-esuk2 hahaha*

6 days before final exam:
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*nyanyi lagu justin bieber.. jgn nda galat*

5 days before final exam:
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aiii ngantuk rasa nya.. rasa malas kn revise.. krg lgi smbung.. *tp smpai esuk*

4 days before final exam:
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longlai dan lembik udah hahahahhaha

3 days before final exam:
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semakin se-tress hahahaha psl nda lgi lama kn exam ..

1 day before final exam:
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*antuk pala* waaaaaa stress ku.. esuk lusa lgi exam ne.. alum ku READY eh.. *udah atu* ahahahah

A night before final exam:
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*baru th kn bebanar2 hahahahahahahhahaha*

During the final exam:
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oh no................. what is this question? nda ku fhm eh? payah jua *padahal nda cukup preparation* cigu ane cuba th buat sanang2.. hahahahahhahahaha

Once walk out from the exam hall:
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abis lh................. what have i done........ my future.. *yea rightttt hahaahah*

After the final exam, during the holiday:
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YES cutiiiiii hahahahah enjoy.. let's rock n roll.. PARTEYHHH !!!!! makan luar tne CELEBRATE abis exam! hahahah *tp nda handal mnjawab* hahahahahhaha

*LUPA apa yg d lalui nya msa exam.. betapa MENDERITA dan EMO nya ea masa lapas exam.. hahahahahha*


hahah peace.. mun ada yg kn sama ciri2 atu sorry.. ahahaha

Facebook Zaman Dulu


hai blog readers =) thank u for dropping by.. hehe

i got something to share.. i found this rather funny hahaha *you better say so.. haha otherwise go get some life* hahahah kidding.. ok here,, by the way haha if you cannot see the post click image to enlarge *peace* ~~~~~

hahaahah see? =p =p =p

what a day.. =D

Monday, 17 January 2011

it's MY DAY =D =D


n hai YOU there.. haha

it's my Day,, my Birthday - 16th January 2011 =')

alhamdulillah,, i lived for 22 years already.. baru jua 22 tahun ne =D haha

double two's = double trouble .. so ertinya mnyiapkn diri utk more obstacles .. hwaiting!


i celebrated my day with my family (at home - night) n my friends (khai,,azmi,,wanie at Qlap - Day)

hehe btw thanks to dorang tiga ane jua psl buat surprise utk ku yesterday =D hehe yes ,, menjadi.. haha sl aku tkajut.. *admitting*

so ane lh few of the moments.. =) *few sja ku display hahaha*



ALhamdulillah =') thank you kamu.. n especially my family =D hehe

16 January - will meet you again,, insyAllah =')

Monday, 10 January 2011

The 4-Junctions *eseh*


hai all =)

first of all,,

yes.. thank you for visiting my blog.. i love the traffic.. =p hahahaha ,, and for those who still checking my blog for any updates,, 
THANK YOU so much =) 

what's with the title? hehe The 4-Junctions? yes,, that's what was on my mind lately.. i'm stuck here.. *seriously*

by all means,, which way should i go?

Right - UBD

Left - Oversea *trying my luck*

Straight - ITB


yes somehow i want to choose ITB .. but at the same time i'm thinking of other opportunities that i might have when i choose UBD.. and something also bothers me to try my luck for oversea..

i simply cannot sleep just by thinking of this matter.. *aside from other reason that gives me insomnia.. hahaha *

"Ya Allah ! Aku pohon pilihan (minta petunjuk) daripada Engkau dengan pengetahuan Engkau dan aku pohon ketentuan Engkau dengan kekuasaan Engkau dan aku pohon akan Dikau dari limpah kurniaan Engkau yang besar, maka sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui segala perkara ghaib.
Ya Allah! Seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawasanya urusan ini ?. Berkebajikan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, maka takdirlah akan dia baik dan permudahkannya bagiku kemudian berkatkan bagiku padanya dan seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawa urusan ini ?. Mendatangkan keburukan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan akibat urusanku cepat atau lambat, maka palinglah akan dia daripadaku dan palinglah akan seberapa yang boleh, kemudian redhalah akan daku dengannya"  - Amin,,


=') i have this responsibility .. my second runner up priority other than job hunting *atm* .. that is,, to make my parents proud.. that they already bersusah payah menjaga kami........ i know this thing is more like a common thing that a daughter will do for her parents.. but then,, to think of it.. did i already have done the same thing for my parents?? i dont think so....... i haven't done enough.. at least,, yes at least.. i wanted to cheerish them with the 'fruits' gained from the education that they have given me.. by sending me to school until university.. and they always keep motivating me,, indirectly..


*let me.. before the time comes..*

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