Ya Allah... sedarkan aku di saat aku terlena dibuai cinta dunia... teguhkan kaki ini untuk terus berdiri di bumiMU... kuatkan hati ini untuk terus istiqamah
di jalanMu... jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hambaMu yang sabar dan bersyukur... tenangkan jiwaku... redhai kehidupanku.... Ya Allah...

Monday 6 December 2010

thinking of this Labrynth..

Labrynth.. *sigh*

upset to know that i will have to 'add as friend' him again..



i guess this is the end.. never thought it will end like this.. our friendship.. if only i could turn back the time.. i will turn it right before i know you.. or at least right before the time that makes us far away..

*dy stop being emo.. face it*

yes,, i will no longer care.. because u don't even care..

- sometimes, i don't understand myself. random. -

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