my first day of final semester was ok but aku totally blur~ like time briefing half awake and half angan2.. hahaha holiday mood? i think? hahah melampau jua tu aa cuti dh kana bgi lamaaaaaaa tp kn mau cuti lgi.. haha mun kn cuti saja bila ku graduate? xD ..... amiiiinn th kmi smua intake 24 graduate !! *AMIN*
nada byk kn ku ckp kn tp ada few things need to be highlighted~
- SDP PROJECT due date 4th November 2010 which is na lama pastu FINAL exam!
- CIS BBQ 2010 with the theme "Funky MisMatch" on the 7th August 2010.. *dtg o nda aa*
- FINAL EXAM in November,, nda lama lapas the dates of submission and presentations
ok ehehe that's all for now.. =)