Ya Allah... sedarkan aku di saat aku terlena dibuai cinta dunia... teguhkan kaki ini untuk terus berdiri di bumiMU... kuatkan hati ini untuk terus istiqamah
di jalanMu... jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hambaMu yang sabar dan bersyukur... tenangkan jiwaku... redhai kehidupanku.... Ya Allah...

Monday, 23 August 2010

Allowance is out!! seriously~ already out~ .................

Yayyyy~ you think i would say that? hahaha i only said "kaya" hahahaha well,, temporarily plang saja tu.. why? WHY?

yes i know allowance is out.. and some people out there maybe jln udah bali barang yg drang mau.. *oh indahnya~* tp aku? hahah snyum lh saja~.. i still need to save it.. xD i have this ONE THING in my mind.. so kira atu MY GOAL.. so~ selagi alum smpai that goal selagi a2 la ku nda supping mcm ada certain urang.. =) bukan plang mksud nya aku na kn kluar kn the money.. eh talur tu ehhh hahah sapa catu atu bek plang ea bgi aku tu usin nya aa hahahah xD well,, of course lh ada ku kluar kn jua to buy groceries.. sgala brg keperluan atu lh.. *i think i need to bali inner wear~ haha 3 bulan bh nda berupdate brg ku mau jua ku kn pakai yg baru~* *humming* tp liat lh cana hahha psl kn ke KL lgi.. mau jua supping sakan sana..

well aku ne planning kn 'supping MAKAN' d sana.. hahahah barang2 yg lain a2 erm.. will see la hahah if ku tergoda then i will bali.. one.. or more..? or just one *bukan karit hahah aku ane banarnya dh d kadai nda tia ku tau kn membali apa* *well in some cases karit lh jua haha f TERLAMPAU mahal..* hahahahha

so to sum up................

ALLOWANCE is OUT!! *ka-chingg*


ME : .................................


shopping ? hahaha sadang~ ikut keperluan *FOR NOW* lol~


headache or stress out? hahahahah


if anyone ask me "Love or Money" ? what will i say? what will b ur answer peeps? =P

*scroll down*


and ...........

my answer would be: "well of course lah LOVE.. because i LOVE MONEY~"

( ^____^ )v

P/S: teringat psl tapak kuda tiba2.. sia2 pun~ puasa dy puasa~

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Saturday, 21 August 2010

i love to see this.. haha


yg manang : After School

i love SNSD but for this video i really really reallyyyy haha suka lyat After School punya performance! so WOW!! haha and the girl wearing Cap "A"  haha she's WOW.. =D *si KAHI ka namanya tu? hehe correct me if im wrong.. *

SNSD performance was great too.. xD hehe hyoyeon........... she's hot~ =p lawaaaa ea nari

First performance by AFTER SCHOOL
Second performance by SNSD

P/S: teringat lagu "i eat u up" from BOA.. =D

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Friday, 20 August 2010

when im bored..

hehe awu im bored.. haha just finish ikut2 the dance.. hahahah n for me it was payah.. hahah aku mun mnari pandai.. pandai as in mngantam.. haha n ane ada the videos.. on steps for the dance.. dpt la d ikut ganyaaaaaaa hahahahah nda lh mcm yg dlm video.. kucar kacir lh pokoknya.. hahah kapus2 lgi.. sebutul air ada d sisi.. *well aku simpan d lantai plang tu* hahahahah

awu time puasa mnari2 astee.. urg bykkn lgi perkara yg berfaedah.. haha eh jap ane berfaedah lh sikit.. hahahahah as in supaya nanti f dh biasa nda kapus2 xD

the Sorry Sorry dance.. from the girls *very synchronized yaw! i love it* n also the video on the dance steps..


very nice to see =D

now i understand the leg part..

hmmmmm i want to try mnari yg drang SNSD run devil run aa still ku kpayahan.. hahahah n also yg Genie~ hahah pyh bh na brapa pandai mnari ane.. hahahahaha tp na apa ada jua kn ku ktawakn sorang2 d bilik.. xD

chill bh apa2 ane.. hahahahahah na kh mau smuanya perfect.. NDA ja? hahahahha well in some cases i prefer it to b perfect plang.. kalau bule.. hahahahahh xD

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Thursday, 19 August 2010

Zumi Zola

ZUMI ZOLA? haha sapa kn tu? he's an actor.. indonesian.. he's.... so... *i let u finish the line* =p

see his picture at the end of this post.. =D hehe,,

this is the sinetron that i watched recently on INDOSIAR.. hehe *aku liat ceta ane pun psl ada Zumi zola*

^ up : courtesy of MD Entertainment

  • Zumi Zola sebagai Fahmi
  • Tamara Bleszinsky sebagai Halimah
  • Dhini Aminarti sebagai Ranun
  • Dwi Yan sebagai Kyai Hasan Al Habsyi
  • Leroy Oesmani sebagai Kyai Syarifudin

this is the lirik utk the soundtrack.. 

Indah Dewi Pertiwi – Di Atas Satu Cinta

Jejak-jejak langkahku
Bagaikan lemran waktu
Apakah ku masih bisa terus melangkah
Serpihan hihupku ’kan ku bangun

di atas satu cinta
Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat
Selalu dihatiku

Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat
Selalu dihatiku

Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat

Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat

Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat

Subhanallah aku mencintainya
Subhanallah aku menyayanginya
Dari ufuk timur hingga ke barat
Selalu dihatiku

Artikel Indah Dewi Pertiwi – Di Atas Satu Cinta ini dipersembahkan oleh Lirik Lagu Indonesia. Kunjungi Download Mp3 Terbaru untuk mendapatkan lagu/mp3 indonesia terbaru.

AND AS I said EARLIER.. hahahah below ada gambar2 si zumi zola..

*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ hahahahaha so.................... *

and he's 30 yrs old now.. tp masih maintain.. hahah tarikh lahir 31March1980 =D
his hobby main basketball, travelling, membaca........... 
weight - 70kg........ height - 175cm...................


this makes me his stalker.. hahah 

anddd.. hehe he reminds me of SOMEONE.. hahahahhahaha *astaghfirullahalazim~*


P/S: and that italian guy oh my haha

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Happy Bday to Wy~

specially to Wy~ ..................     =) hehe

*wy - haha ane ja ku tcari gmbar mu arah fb aa.. aigoo~ yg lain artis2 cuba th ada gmbar mu jua aa*

and this one i specially made it for u.. simple saja haha tpi BACA SAMPAI ABIS ! hahahah


May you always have
Many things to laugh at
And real good friends with
Whom you can have a chat

Things you can dream about
Places you want to go
And the money in your hand
That you can always blow

Time for reflection
Of ones you hold dear
The courage in your heart
To do this without fear

And may you always know
The love WE have for you
But I know in your heart
You know that this is true


Happy 17th Birthday ! 


from Diah on behalf of our family =D

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Tuesday, 17 August 2010

life.. hehe chill aja~

" in this life,, it means a lot to be thankful..thankful for those who hurt you - for they made you stronger & tougher..thankful for people who left you - for they taught you to stand on your own feet..thankful for the lies,, as these made you more knowledgeable..and thankful for the ones that stay by your side - for because of them you’re not alone… "

live like shinchan.. hahahahah SIMPLE life,, *yeaaaa rightttttttt* hahaha 

Shinchan : Mama mama,, saya sakit..

Misae : Shinchan sakit apa?

Shicnhan : saya sakit mama.. *muka kesakitan*

Misae : Sakit apa?? *mula panik*

Shinchan : Ni.. *tunjuk ke arah punggung*

Misae : Kenapa punggung kamu shinchan? Sakit macammana?

Shinchan : Punggung saya terbelah dua mama~ 

Misae : *muka geram*



P/S : i like shinchan.. because he's cute.. er... well not really.. haha it's because he's unique and pf course.. ea cali.. hehehe! *wide smile*

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Saturday, 14 August 2010

muslim discrimination

salam all.. nothing much for this post.. a short video to share.. and for us to realise and think..

is this what u called "rights of an individual"? or is this actually a "discrimination"?

... what would u do if u're in that situation..? would u step in? or would u step away? 

P/S: hm.. automatically teringat cerita "My Name is Khan".. hahah "My name is Khan.. I am not a terrorist"

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Friday, 13 August 2010

12 Ways To Know That................ ;)

hey hey.. Salam =)

i read this somewhere on a website.. *forgot where it is* and i would love to share it with u peeps =D hehe

here it goes................... *tadaaa*

12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone!

You talk with him/her late at night and when you go to bed you still think of him/her. 

You walk really slowly when you are with him/her. 

You don't feel Ok when he/she is far away. 

You smile when you hear his/her voice. 

When you look at him/her,you do not see other people around you. You see only him/her. 

He/She is everything you want to think. 

You realise that you smile every time you look at him/her. 

You would do anything to see him/her. 

While you have been reading this, there was a person in your mind all the time. 

You've been so busy thinking of that person that you didn't notice that number 7 is missing. 

You are going to check above if that's true and now you are silently laughing to yourself.


hehe,, that's all =) will post something nanti.. anything i found on website.. =) and this time i will make sure to put the link of the original post.. =D hehe k toodles~


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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Ramadhan,, Ahlan Wa sahlan ya Ramadhan~

Salam Ramadhan to ALL muslims.. =)

"Ramadhan,, AWALnya Rahmat.. PERTENGAHANnya Maghfirah.. dan PENGHUJUNGnya pembebasan dari api Neraka.. - Al Hadis"

Ada sedikit kan d cakapkn.. hehe..

see that picture? what do u have in mind?

".... antara hikmah berpuasa ialah dapat melahirkan rasa simpati ,empati dan ihsan kepada orang -orang miskin. Ini kerana rasa lapar dalam bulan puasa mengingatkan kita pada nasib orang-orang selalu berlapar....."


and which are u.. ? =)


Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
"Ada 3 golongan manusia ketika menyambut Ramadhan. Golongan pertama yang merasa berat hati dan gundah gulana.Golongan kedua tidak berasa apa-apa keistimewaan bulan ramadhan dan merasakan seperti hari-hari biasa.Manakala golongan yang ketiga,ialah golongan yang hatinya merasa gembira apabila datangnya bulan ramadhan."

and finally....................

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Monday, 2 August 2010

First Day of Final Semester 2010

salam and hai~ =)

my first day of final semester was ok but aku totally blur~ like time briefing half awake and half angan2.. hahaha holiday mood? i think? hahah melampau jua tu aa cuti dh kana bgi lamaaaaaaa tp kn mau cuti lgi.. haha mun kn cuti saja bila ku graduate? xD ..... amiiiinn th kmi smua intake 24 graduate !! *AMIN*

nada byk kn ku ckp kn tp ada few things need to be highlighted~

  • SDP PROJECT due date 4th November 2010 which is na lama pastu FINAL exam!
  • CIS BBQ 2010 with the theme "Funky MisMatch" on the 7th August 2010.. *dtg o nda aa*
  • FINAL EXAM in November,, nda lama lapas the dates of submission and presentations

ok ehehe that's all for now.. =)

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