Ya Allah... sedarkan aku di saat aku terlena dibuai cinta dunia... teguhkan kaki ini untuk terus berdiri di bumiMU... kuatkan hati ini untuk terus istiqamah
di jalanMu... jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hambaMu yang sabar dan bersyukur... tenangkan jiwaku... redhai kehidupanku.... Ya Allah...

Saturday 14 August 2010

muslim discrimination

salam all.. nothing much for this post.. a short video to share.. and for us to realise and think..

is this what u called "rights of an individual"? or is this actually a "discrimination"?

... what would u do if u're in that situation..? would u step in? or would u step away? 

P/S: hm.. automatically teringat cerita "My Name is Khan".. hahah "My name is Khan.. I am not a terrorist"

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