Ya Allah... sedarkan aku di saat aku terlena dibuai cinta dunia... teguhkan kaki ini untuk terus berdiri di bumiMU... kuatkan hati ini untuk terus istiqamah
di jalanMu... jadikanlah aku diantara hamba-hambaMu yang sabar dan bersyukur... tenangkan jiwaku... redhai kehidupanku.... Ya Allah...

Tuesday 17 August 2010

life.. hehe chill aja~

" in this life,, it means a lot to be thankful..thankful for those who hurt you - for they made you stronger & tougher..thankful for people who left you - for they taught you to stand on your own feet..thankful for the lies,, as these made you more knowledgeable..and thankful for the ones that stay by your side - for because of them you’re not alone… "

live like shinchan.. hahahahah SIMPLE life,, *yeaaaa rightttttttt* hahaha 

Shinchan : Mama mama,, saya sakit..

Misae : Shinchan sakit apa?

Shicnhan : saya sakit mama.. *muka kesakitan*

Misae : Sakit apa?? *mula panik*

Shinchan : Ni.. *tunjuk ke arah punggung*

Misae : Kenapa punggung kamu shinchan? Sakit macammana?

Shinchan : Punggung saya terbelah dua mama~ 

Misae : *muka geram*



P/S : i like shinchan.. because he's cute.. er... well not really.. haha it's because he's unique and pf course.. ea cali.. hehehe! *wide smile*

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